Biking Delaware Canal

Delaware Canal, NJ

A perfect day for biking. Some years ago we biked the Delaware Canal section between Lambertville and Trenton and at the time we returned the same way. This time we took a path in the local park and and crossed the bridge in Trenton that brought us to PA sode of the canal. At the bridge is also a restaurant where you can stop for lunch.

Delaware Canal, PA

The PA side of the canal looked nicer than the NJ side but unfortunately after about 6 miles from Trenton we found it closed by a fence at a bridge pretty close to Washington Crossing. So we had to backtrack for 2 miles and cross back to the NJ side using the pedestrian/bike path on the side of the 295 highway bridge, a path that was recently built in 2021. The entire ride was about 34 miles.

Delaware Canal, PA